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About Us

Invisiball is a new and exciting skill-based prize competition inspired from the traditional newspaper ‘Spot the Ball’ game where the contestant would use their skill and judgement to guess the position of a ball which had been removed from a photograph.

Unlike the traditional game, Invisiball is an interactive video-based game which allows contestants to enter the same competition but via different sports, one which they believe they are most skilled in. The contestant enters the competition as follows:​
1. Select Your Sport – the contestant can select whichever ‘ball’ based sport (choice of 5)which they feel they are most ‘skilled’ in
2. Select Your Frame – during a 10 second video clip in which the ball is invisible, the contest will get a 5 second window in which to ‘click’ and guess the position of the ball.

With the Jackpot Prize standing at £1 million or £100 million (depending on the competition you enter i.e. monthly or annually), this is one of the largest skill-based prize competitions in the world.

You can purchase 1, 2 or 5 balls (attempts) with every single entry.

In the event that more than 1 person gets the correct answer, a winner will be drawn at random from all correct entries. HOWEVER, all non-winning ‘correct’ entries will be given £100 free credit to their account… correct entrants won’t lose their money unlike most competitions around the world.

Please click on the 'How To Play' page to understand the rules in more detail.